Monday, August 11, 2008

Official Results

Edit: I wrote this when I should have, but never posted it.
I now consider my summer over. Yes, it is still hot, yes it is only August, but for me it is the start of fall. So how did I do on my goals?

1. Finish Manly Man sock. (not a real goal, as I have about 20 rows left on the second sock.)
2. Finish Cable Net socks. (The second one has been languishing since January.)
3. Finish Dem Fisher Sin Fru.
4. Finish the last handle on the Everlasting Bag Stopper.
5. Cast on and finish Tangled Yoke Cardigan.
6. Cast on and finish Brea Bag.
7. Cast on and finish Black Sea Hat.
8. Cast on and finish Odessa.
9. Cast on and finish Shedir.
10. Cast on and finish Sophie.

Not to mention I plan on finishing a few books:
1. An Assembly such as this
2. Fool Moon
3. Sense and Sensibility

3 knitting objects, and two books. However, I did finish some things that were NOT on my list. My small chevron scarf, which I also dyed and spun, a pair of fetching, and a hither to unmentioned pair of Evangeline mitts.

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