After the holiday season, I realized that I had spent months knitting gifts, but the poor husband did not receive anything. Now please don't think I have the kind of husband who asks for hand knit things, wears them with pride and has ideas for the next present. No, I have the kind who will go to the yarn store, but only if he has something to occupy his time and I don't ask him for anything more than a "I'm ready to go". I made him a pair of socks, he was gracious enough to pick the yarn, and he rarely wears them- twice, I think. But he is the only one who I know really is impressed with what I make and I MUST force knitted objects on such a person.
My first knitting project was actually a scarf for him, but he even admits he won't wear that. "Too fuzzy." So I had him find a better scarf. He chose the Dark Mark Scarf after 5 minutes on Ravelry. Then the yarn hunting began. The man is hilarious! I love to find excuses to go to new yarn stores. Fibers is relatively local, so it was a perfect opportunity. I ask the ladies there that we need an Aran weight. We are shown a few choices, my husband ignores everything and begins squeezing skeins. Finally he holds up a skein and says "Will this work?" It was blue, probably considered a bulky weight, and it's a novelty yarn. Its fuzzier than a Pomeranian! When I am, of course, gracious enough to mention this, he looks sheepish (pun intended) and replies "But its so soft." I lovingly remind him he does wear the other scarf, which took me two months to find the softest yarn Micheal's had to offer. He concedes and the decision is made that we will choose primarily based on color, as he is very particular about this. I go off, as does he.
I wander over to the Manos wall, and am tempted to start the highly popular My So-called Scarf. The husband had already vetoed it because it seemed to scratchy, so yes, I had become distracted. I see one of the shop ladies move in the direction of the color wall, where the husband is shoving his hand. (I cringe every time he does this, and I just hope he has recently washed his hands.) There is some kind of mumbling, but I hear "What are you making?", "Do you know what size needle you'll be using?" The next thing I know I hear my husband's plaintive call, "Honey, help! They're talking to me!"
In the end, I ordered some Knit Picks Wool of the Andes. I now have the urge to order yarn all the time. Yarn coming to me makes it seem more like the world really IS begging me to knit. Oh, I didn't leave the store empty handed! There was some wonderful blue Colinette Jitterbug and I got a skein of Frog Tree Alpaca in Teal. The Colinette will be socks for me, the Frog Tree... I'm thinking fingerless gloves, probably Knucks.
I had been working on my WIPs for about two weeks, when my first KAL began. Which leads me to...
February, mud and hope
2 weeks ago
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