I currently have three projects on the needles, but am only actively working on one. I have never been this "bad" before. I like to have one project at a time, with maybe a dishcloth or two in the middle if gets tedious. (See these) But now I have three rather large projects. Any yet, I feel fully justified in having all of them.
The first, I call it first only in that it is the oldest, is a pair of socks I started in October for the Ravelry October SockDown challenge. It was cables, and I had only one set of fingering yarn at the time. It had been purchased months before and was my first "nice" yarn. In that internet bout I explained in my first entry, I came across Cable Net, and decided it was to be the destiny of that special yarn. The SockDown was the perfect excuse to begin. It was cast-on. The sock quickly became tedious; a black hole of knitting in only 8 inches. Christmas knitting had to take center stage. I finished the first sock on my winter break. The second sock was begun, but I decided it was too complicated for the many times I wanted to knit in the car, and dishclothes, while nice, needed to take a rest before I ripped my hair out in perfect square chunks. And so...
Project two was cast on. But I'll describe that one a little later.
February, mud and hope
2 weeks ago
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