I'm not doing too well with this "blog every day". I feel more like I am following the spirit of the law (make an effort to blog more), rather than the letter of it (blog everyday in October).
This last weekend I spent in the local big city, where my mother lives. I was able to visit a few yarn stores, where I found one was starting a three weekend spinning class. I asked them on Saturday at 4:00, and they told me there were probably 2 or 3 spots left, and they closed at 5. I wasn't sure if I wanted to pay that much money right now, or to drive the hour every week. I thought about it and decided to do it. Sunday at 12:10, 10 minutes after they opened, to find out that not only was the class full, but there were 5 people on the wait-list. I was very disappointed. There aren't any yarn stores in my area, and none of them offer reasonable spinning lesson. AND this one has wheels to take home over the week!
This is what I don't understand. If spinning classes always fill up, why don't more places have them, and more often. The closest LYS to me has them twice a year, but you have to buy carders on top of the $50+ class. Another one SAYS they have them, but they only schedule them as people ask. Of course, as someone who would have to drive 45 minutes, this is just not the way I need it scheduled. Tell me when the class is about a month/2 weeks before hand and I'll make arrangements. I am not comfortable with someone planning a class based on my interest. What if it is not a good time for me? Or I change my mind about the expense for that month? I feel better knowing that it is already planned, weather or not I can attend.
On the good side, that LYS has another spinning planned in November.
February, mud and hope
2 weeks ago
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