Wednesday, October 22, 2008

I was wrong.. there is no magic drink

So I went out to the kitchen to make another pot of tea for last night and grabbed the tea my husband had left out. Yep black tea. So the secret to success is what everyone already knows. Caffeine helps you stay awake.

I should mention, I try not to drink caffeine normally, and that is why miracle of tea was new.

Some knitting was done, I plan on finishing a scarf today, but last night was mostly spent trying to find a phone number. I got the new "job" and so I hade to call in for someone to take my place AT my job for the day. Of course I couldn't find the number anywhere. I used to keep it in my old phone, and I had forgotten to transfer the numbers before I gave the phone to my mom. This meant I had to talk my mom through finding the number with a phone I hadn't used in 4 months. I did have an identical model to help, but since I had also given away the power cord, I couldn't turn it on. I was pretty frustrated, but since I got the number, I think I did ok. Technology was NOT meant to be taught over the phone.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

The secret of my success

Last night my checkerboard scarf became this: My Jaywalker scarf became: All because I drank a pot of this: And before you ask, no it's herbal. I have tried drinking things before to keep myself awake, but ususally milk or juice. I learned in high school that eating helped me stay awake. But last night my throat started to hurt (still does) and I thought a put of tea would hit the spot. Didn't help my throat at all, but sure helped my knitting. This should be a good week. I received and order at work, and while not EXACTLY for me, opening boxes are fun. I should be getting a package from The Loopy Ewe tomorrow or Thursday. (This is my third order. I'm half way to Loopie Groupie status.) This was bought as a gifty from the husband, though I did pester him for a week for it. And after sorting through all my stash, I am more excited about the yarn I already have. Also, I should have heard yesterday about a new job opportunity I applied for. It was the *potential* of become a slightly different career. I am excited, but am trying not to work myself up too much. If I get it, great potential, extra pay, and something exciting to try. If I don't, less stress, no need to worry about transportation, and no days out of work to plan for.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Maybe my stash isn't SO big.

Sunday I planned to knit all day. I got distracted by a new project, but realigned myself. I decided to take pictures of my stash and update Ravelry. That was when I found it. A moth hole! Two to be precise. In a cake of Knit Picks Alpaca Cloud. A more thorough investigation revealed more larva (though not a disgusting looking as the name sounds). So I proceeded to pick them off, and throw all my wool into a garbage bag. I did photograph it, but then I caked them all, and into freezer bags and the freezer they went. I now have a stinky moth ball in my stash box, where my non-wool resides, and all but a few skeins are in the deep freeze for the week. All stash will remain in the bags, which will be properly sealed, so moths and the moth ball smell, shouldn't be too much of a problem. In the end I only lost half a ball of the Alpaca Cloud and about 10 yards of another lace weight. There were a few more breaks, but it was never decided if they were moth, or mechanically caused.

I did discover and interesting tidbit. I had a ball of deep teal yarn, with a little buggy on it. When I squished it, it was green inside! Apparently it can't digest the dyes.

Also in this, I brought out my umbrella swift. It was a wonderful birthday present from my mom. I tightened it to cake some lace weight, (lace weight alone makes a swift worth the money) and the umbrella fell down. I attempted to retighten it, and I wouldn't! The threads on the bolt had broken off. I have since e-mail Knit Picks. I am confident they will replace it, but I don't have the invoice, so I am not sure what I should send in its stead.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Knitting was done, but not much

The saga goes on. I continue to try to knit, but fail miserably most days. I decided that my desire for yarn could be quenched by casting-on for another project. As I am determined to finish the commission knitting before moving on to my own projects (read: Christmas is doomed) I went for another scarf. This is in Knit Picks Essential Kettle Dyed in Timber with the Jaywalker pattern. There is nothing to see however. I have cast-on and frog said scarf at least 4 times. These at the ones I remember, there may have been a few when I was initially casting-on. The first, I only did one repeat and a seed stitch boarder. ( I do LOVE seed stitch). Verdict: Too narrow. I did some research, and find another (though very similar) pattern with two repeats. Verdict: The chevron is in a bad ratio with the boarder and it is a bit too wide. I recast on with a smaller number of stitches to correct this. Verdict: Wrong number of stitches. I cast-on the number I thought, turns out however, that I did the math wrong. (Again) I have since cast-on again, but have not knit past the bottom seed stitch boarder. (If someone can tell be about another well balanced stitch that looks as pretty as the seed stitch, I'd love to hear about it.) I am also determined to knit one square of the checkerboard scarf everyday. That way I get it done and I don't get too tired of it. Or at least not any more tired of it than I am now.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Why I didn't knit in 4 words

I forgot a needle!

Fate is against me.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

A day (hopefully) of knitting

I spent yesterday at work, so today I'd be free to have some fun. I'll be in the car for a few hours and hopefully there will be some knitting. Luckily it is mostly freeway driving, I get sick very fast trying to knit in the stop and go traffic of towns. And if I am very lucky there will be a trip to a local yarn store.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

My streak continues

I just can't stay awake. I was again, asleep by 9. Well, it is the weekend, so only one day of going into to work and I get to choose how long I'm there for. And I can put on a movie as I work. That will be nice. Oo! I can watch Pride and Prejudice again. I haven't seen it in about 6 months. Shame on me.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Less working, more knitting

My first fingering weight scarf has been knit to about 15 inches. Since this will be for a fairly short individual, I don't think I'll need to make it much longer than 3 feet. I an very tempted to cast on for something else thought. I have discovered that my yarn cravings come from not being able to knit on something I really want to work on. I'm ok for the momnet since at least I'm knitting a pattern I chose, but I need to finish this one soon so I don't become tempted by more lovely fiber morsels.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Late on account of sleep

No knitting has been happening lately. I am just too dog tired. I was barely awake for my dinner at 7 last night. I was under a blanket ( a sure sign of imminent sleeping) on the couch at 7:30. I even missed Dirty Jobs! I'm not sure if I can forgive myself.

Monday, October 6, 2008

I'm not doing too well with this "blog every day". I feel more like I am following the spirit of the law (make an effort to blog more), rather than the letter of it (blog everyday in October).

This last weekend I spent in the local big city, where my mother lives. I was able to visit a few yarn stores, where I found one was starting a three weekend spinning class. I asked them on Saturday at 4:00, and they told me there were probably 2 or 3 spots left, and they closed at 5. I wasn't sure if I wanted to pay that much money right now, or to drive the hour every week. I thought about it and decided to do it. Sunday at 12:10, 10 minutes after they opened, to find out that not only was the class full, but there were 5 people on the wait-list. I was very disappointed. There aren't any yarn stores in my area, and none of them offer reasonable spinning lesson. AND this one has wheels to take home over the week!

This is what I don't understand. If spinning classes always fill up, why don't more places have them, and more often. The closest LYS to me has them twice a year, but you have to buy carders on top of the $50+ class. Another one SAYS they have them, but they only schedule them as people ask. Of course, as someone who would have to drive 45 minutes, this is just not the way I need it scheduled. Tell me when the class is about a month/2 weeks before hand and I'll make arrangements. I am not comfortable with someone planning a class based on my interest. What if it is not a good time for me? Or I change my mind about the expense for that month? I feel better knowing that it is already planned, weather or not I can attend.

On the good side, that LYS has another spinning planned in November.

Movin' right along (Dunca dun dunca dun)

The first scarf is now about 6 inches. I have a feeling that it will block a bit longer. I'm still not sure about the hats. The lady I'm doing these for says her 3 year old has a 20 inch head. This seems a bit excessive to me, since I have a 23 inch head, and upon first sight, you don't think of Mr. Potato head or an orange on a toothpick. I would think more like 15-18 inches. If anyone has a 2-3 year old, maybe I could get an average.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

First attept, FAIL

I decided on a rather simple checkerboard scarf, alternating stockinette and moss stitch. unfortunately 4 stitches makes for a rather wide scarf. I'm still not sure how well it is going to work. The yarn is a marl, I believe a brown/grey. Marls tend to hide many patterns. I've only worked with one before, so I know that purl stitches show. I'll cast on with about 30 stitches and see what happened.

Friday, October 3, 2008

I think I knit under a hundred stitches

My yarn order came in, a day early at that. I'm certainly not one to say that I'm upset about that, but now I am thrown back into the commission knitting. I have to knit two scarves out of fingering weight. Unfortunately there aren't very many patterns out there for finger weight scarves. And I know they will take some time, so I need to start.

I ordered two different colors of Knit Picks new Essential kettle line. I had received four balls for my birthday. I enjoyed the diverse colors in each skein, but was quite upset that two, same color and dye lot, looked nothing alike. This order, I can barely see any difference in the colors. Unfortunate, because I was going to make a scarf with the jaywalker stitch, but with almost no variation, I'm not sure if that is the best idea.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Back to our regularly schedualed knitting

I am back to working on MY Christmas gifts. Mom’s gift was slow going before, but now it has been languishing for 13 days. Today I finally was able to take off the purple caps and reattached my much used size 7’s.

As I was knitting the wedding scarves, I thought the connecting ends of my needles looked duller. Well, it is definite now. The difference between the needles and the cord is fairly visible. I have mixed feelings about this, as I do with most things. This tarnish does nothing to the effectiveness of my needles. All it is, is the look. This could be seen as a badge of honor. Vintage needles, and heirlooms are made by being used. On the other hand, I LOVE shiny things. And these were a gift from my mother and I pride myself on how well I keep my things. I guess I'm worrying about nothing; it's not like I can fix it (Can I?), or I'm going to buy a whole other set just to replace my non-shiny 7's.

I also have a set of 3's that did this, though they just look darker. I guess it much be knit picks nickel plating.


This just might be the kick I need to keep blogging. I’m not sure WHO I’m trying to kid with that idea, but someone must think it’s funny. I really do feel that blogging is something I should do. I did have a journal, and wrote in it fairly often. Then my husband bought me a really nice journal, and I stopped. Why? Because I began to work. When I was a SAHW (no kids, so I can’t have a M), I would have tons of feelings, and ideas to write. I got very emotional and my marriage had problems. DRAMA DRAMA DRAMA, as we say in our house. But when I started working, it all went away. Eventially..

Now I work a lot. I'm at work by about 7:15, and I leave anytime between 4:30 and 6:30. I do not get an hour lunch (I get 30 minutes at best), and I have one 10 minute break at around 10. I gets to be a long day at around 11. I go in on the weekends as well. So far the last two Sundays. I am fighting sleep by 8 p.m.

I know this is in no way healthy, but I can't help it at this time. I am a bit (read: really) disorganized and I tend to work on larger, not really necessary project, rather than the stuff that needs to be done for tomorrow.

Oh well, I don't want to think about work when it isn't around yet. Knitting has been constant the last two weeks. And boy do I have stuff to show for it. Two, count them, two cabled scarves. While a tad narrow, the one with the twist cable comes out at 75" (6' 3"), and the one with the braided cable is 64 (5' 4"). Both are a respectable size for their recipients, 6'+ and 5' 4". Each one took a week. The longer one was exactly a week, and I finished the other yesterday night. So 13 days. And now until my yarn order than has all of my other commission projects arrives (ETA: Saturday), I get to knit whatever I want!!