I did everything but dance. Though I did that today in the living room while I cleaned.
The gift project is done and delivered. I wish I had gotten some pictures, even thought I was mildly disappointed in it. It was a sand filled mouse with a sun appliqué on the back. WARNING: The next few sentences will be in Gamer-speak. I will translate shortly. The husband is a Game Master and ran an Exalted game. One of his friends had a Mouse of the Sun as a familiar of sorts. Translation: The husband runs a role-playing game. One person had a special mouse as a friend. I own a very colorful mouse, and had pulled it out for a dress up day at work, and the husband spotted it and asked if I could recreate it. His friend was having a birthday, and the husband loves to give thoughtful gifts, though is normally inept at finding what he wants. This ends up leading to less than desirable gifts for me, and my working frantically on his ideas for everyone else. I thought I had until the 20th, so I agreed. A day later, he told me the party was Friday. Two days to party= no knitting time. I did it, though not to my satisfaction. I may make another, as I did like it, though I would make another pattern.
We delivered it last night at the birthday party, where we discovered that the friend's fiancé (also in the husband's gaming group) had given him Rock Band* for his birthday. The rest of the night was filled with the husband complaining of a pained calf from the notorious foot pedal of the drums, and me holding the microphone, wishing I had my voice back and that we were playing "Top 40 Rock Band" so I knew the songs. It made for a pleasant evening , and I would not be sorry to spend another evening in such a fashion. Though, I do wish they would add some Queen to the song list. I actually know those songs.
*A quick explanation of Rock Band, if there are those out there still able to shield themselves from the growing industry of trying to make us a nation of musicians. Rock Band is a video game where, instead of the normal hand held controller with buttons and joysticks, people play with guitars, a drum set, or a microphone. Up to four people can play at a time, thus a wonderful game for parties. There are two guitars, one main and one bass, where you have to press the appropriate colored button, then "strum" by flicking what can be described as a wide light switch. The drums are four circular pads, set into a free standing frame, and looks very similar to a drum set. There is also a foot petal that is kindly called "a pain". The microphone is just that. A button-less microphone where you a given the torture of trying to sing a song (that most people in the room are very familiar with and know perfectly well how much you are butchering it), whilst actually hearing yourself through the TV speakers.
By the by, I actually made a Pride and Prejudice reference in a room of ten twenty-somethings who seem to be fairly typical twenty-something. No one got it. I laughed out loud.