It all started in October. I had missed Mystery Stole 3 by a matter of days, then I missed Mystic Waters, and the Secret of . There were sock clubs abounding, lace clubs... I wanted something that everyone else was doing. I debated purchasing club after club. But my procrastination was choosing for me. Then I found the Secret of the Stole 2. I decided the price was right, and maybe it would fulfil that high school joiner mentality that had lately grabbed a hold of me. It didn't start until January, so I had months to just sit and wait. In the meantime, I found Dem FIsher Sin Fru. I thought I might as well, as not. SOTS ii was about to begin when I found Secret of Bad Nauheim, then Mystic Light. I didn't notice until it was too late. I am now in 7 KALs. One has been finished, two are on the needles, and I can see myself knitting almost nothing but lace shawls all year.
That's not true. I have a walking sock for my walks to and from work. I tried lace. Really, I did, but goodness if my 20-30 minute walk became 45 to 60. I had been near the end of the pattern, and had memorized much of the pattern, but I an mot willing to try it with my Dem Fisher Sin Fru. The yarn is nearly half as thin as the Shadow I was using for SOTSii, and pattern is much more complicated. (More in the "I can't predict what will come next", not with actually difficult stitches.)
I am loving both Dem Fisher and Mystic Light, though I am only at the first clue for both. Pictures will be up soon, and the other little projects I did over my week off.
February, mud and hope
2 weeks ago